For the 2024 edition of the Architecture Student Contest, an international jury was responsible for selecting the winners from over a thousand students from universities all over the world who submitted innovative projects in sustainable construction. We decided to bring together three of the members of this jury to share their inspiring vision of architecture as it embraces sustainability.
CEO of Polish Green Building Council and Chair of Europe Regional Network at World Green Building Council.
“The new generation of architects will have totally different tasks than the previous ones.”
As the CEO of Polish Green Building Council, Alicja promotes the business case of green building and is especially interested in two areas: circular buildings and how buildings influence health, wellbeing and productivity of their occupants. Author of numerous reports and publications on green building and speaker at various conferences and events organised in Poland and abroad.
Vice-President Architects Council of Europe
“It’s very interesting to see how many people have understood that architecture can make a big difference in the transition.”
Carl Bäckstrand is Vice-President, Architects Council of Europe (ACE). He’s also an architect and deputy CEO of White Arkitekter (Sweden) and has worked for many years on the issue of sustainability and climate change. He is a fervent advocate of improving architectural quality.
Head of the Architectural Creation Department at Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine (France)
“In the 20th century, the revolution was by technique. Now, it’s much more than that.”
Francis Rambert is a journalist and architecture critic. A former director of the French Institute of Architecture, he now heads the Department of Architectural Creation at the Cité de l’architecture & du patrimoine in Paris (France). For over thirty years, he has been analysing the production of architecture as well as disseminating the culture of architecture and the city through publications, exhibitions, debates and conferences. On three occasions, he has been a member of the international jury for the Mies Van der Rohe Award, which aims to highlight excellence in European architecture.
Also read:
- “Innovation has a crucial role to play in sustainable construction”, by Marta Sękulska-Wrońska (Poland)
- “How can we build a sustainable future”, by Sally Uren, Chief Executive of the non-profit organization Forum for the Future, and Lena Hök, Executive Vice President of the Swedish construction giant Skanska Group.
- Sustainable construction barometer: industry trends revealed